Friday, December 18, 2009

What's Your Magic Number?

You just got engaged and you're so excited, you don't know where to start. A great way to start planning your wedding is by setting your budget. Your magic number. Your budget will help you stay on track and out of debt.

Establishing a budget helps you determine what aspect of your wedding is most important to you and how much you want to spend in each area. Do you want flowers flown in from all parts of the world or would you prefer locally grown seasonal flowers for your wedding? Would you like to offer a 7-course meal full of gourmet delicacies? These, as well as many more, are important questions to consider when figuring out what your budget will be.

Whatever your magic number is, make sure it's an amount that you are comfortable spending to ensure that your wedding is exactly what YOU want it to be. It's also important to include a little extra money in case any surprises arise because, although you will have a wonderful wedding planner to assist you & make sure everything goes as planned, it's always a great idea to have a back up plan. So...what's your magic number?

Happy Planning!!


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