Friday, March 5, 2010

La Bella Vision Loves Wish Upon A Wedding!

It's National Raise Awareness Week for Wish Upon A Wedding and what better way to raise awareness for such a wonderful organization than to tell you why we love them so much!

Wish Upon A Wedding (WUW) is America's ONLY Wedding Wish Granting Organization. Wish Upon A Wedding, along with vendors throughout the nation, produces weddings and civil union ceremonies for terminally ill individuals. How could you not love them? The organization has 20 chapters throughout the nation with more opening up soon.

So, how can you help? Well, it's very simple and quick. If you would like to be a wish granter in your area or a committee volunteer, simply go to their site and fill out the online application form. Wish Upon A Wedding is looking for everyone from caterers to videographers.

If you have a wedding wish that you want to be granted, this is simple too! By visiting the site, you can learn more about the wish granting process and who can apply. It's as simple as filling out an online application to be considered.

So, if you have been looking for ways to help others, we think this is a great organization to start with.

We can't wait to help out!

P.S. Don't forget to become a fan on Facebook and follow them on Twitter!


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