Thursday, October 21, 2010

1,000 Words Thursday:::Awesome Photographers

It's always said that a picture is worth a thousand words and we agree 100%!  Your wedding photographs capture the special moments and create memories that will last forever.  Choosing the right photographer to capture those moments is very important. You have to find someone who fits your style and personality. Someone who is able to capture exactly what you are looking for. The love, joy, excitement...all of the emotions that are present when a bride and groom become husband and wife.

We are starting a series called 1,000 Words Thursday where we will feature a different photographer that we think can capture those moments beautifully and effortlessly. So, without further ado, our first photographer is Harrison Long of Long Photography.

Photo credit: Long Photography
Isn't this photo beautiful? Not only is Harrison able to capture the joy of a bride and groom seeing each other for the first time on their wedding day, his photos are modern and very artistic.

Photo credit: Long Photography
His photos make you feel like you were there. Simply beautiful!

Please go to his website or blog to see more stunning photos and book him for your wedding or engagement!


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