Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Still Unsure Why You Need a Wedding Planner?...

My friend's cousin held her wedding reception at a venue in Lynwood. She said the place wasn’t so lovely on the outside, but beautiful on the inside. I asked her to send me the contact info and let me know her thoughts after the wedding.

My friend said the venue was so unorganized that she would never recommend this venue to anyone.  Well my response was, “That's why you have a planner”.  A planner will crack the whip while you enjoy your wedding celebration. This is an INVESTMENT that you WANT to make. Some engaged couples and their families view having a planner as added expense rather than an investment in ensuring that their wedding goes as planned.

Who wants to be bothered with vendors when you are in the middle of a toast? Where's that photographer during the first dance? Why is the videographer at your parent's table instead of capturing the priceless memories? Your planner will have most of your thoughts already in mind so that you don’t have to worry about every vendor interruption or mishap, should they arise.

So go ahead and contact us, we don't bite but we will make sure that your wedding goes off without a hitch.

Happy Planning!


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